How Should Diabetics Take Care Of Their Feet In Monsoon?

December 6, 20220

The rain Gods have finally decided to take pity on us Indians and bless us with their presence against the scorching sun. Cloudy skies and a cool breeze – sounds like pure heaven after an intense summer! While some are preparing their favourite masala tea to greet the season others are stocking up on conditioner to guard against the frizz. But no matter what, there’s just something about the rains that tends to get people all exited and almost child-like. And while splashing around in the puddles may be a fun childhood memory, as adults let’s just take a step back, especially for people with diabetes.

Foot problems, especially infections are a major cause for concern amongst diabetics. And unfortunately the cool breeze of the monsoon also seems to bring with it widespread infections! This is not to say that you can’t enjoy the rainy season at all, but just need to exercise some caution. Luckily we have all the important care notes right here for you.

Always wash feet after exposure to rain: In case you got caught in the storm outside be sure to thoroughly wash your feet after coming home and dry them with a clean towel. Exposure to muddy rain water for long can lead to foot infection. Also, be sure to clean and dry out your shoes completely (preferably in the sun) to avoid any fungal or bacterial growth. You may feel it is difficult to dry footwear in the monsoon, but alternating between pairs gives the other footwear enough time to dry.

Don’t leave moisture between the toes: You know those tiny little gaps between your toes? Mostly you just gloss over them but be careful, they could be the breeding ground for an infection. Be sure to completely dry out the gaps between toes and avoid using moisturiser there for the same reason.

Get colourful with flip flops: There’s nothing like bright funky colours to add some cheer to your mood and looks like they can do the same for your feet. Pick up open slippers or flip flops for the monsoon to avoid moisture accumulation. However, if you are someone with sweaty feet or require to wear shoes, opt for some ant-bacterial powder. Just dust some between your toes to prevent any odour or infection. And above all try to keep your feet dry as much as possible.

Do not repeat socks: This is the worst mistake for your feet. Be sure to wear a fresh pair of socks each time to avoid foot infections. Also, for people who exercise regularly, it’s also a good idea to update your kicks frequently, maybe yearly.

Keep your toes clean: Make sure to trim your toenails regularly and also scrub your toes in the shower. Long nails can accumulate dirt in them leading to an infection. Also, be careful of any cuts or wounds on the feet. A cut can be infected quickly in this season. So be sure to instantly treat any scrapes on the feet instantly. In case you observe any redness or inflammation be sure to inform your doctor instantly.

No walking bare feet: Always wear slippers in this season. Walking bare feet can put your feet in direct contact with several germs increasing chances of an infection. Wash your slippers often to clean out sweat and dirt and dry them in the sun. Wear shoes and slippers that are completely dry.

Don’t store shoes in enclosed places: Keep your shoes on an open rack and preferably in a well ventilated area to avoid fungal growth. Keeping wet shoes in dark and moist places can significantly increase risk of infections.

Avoid water puddles including pedicures: Avoid any treatments that require your feet to be immersed in water. Even the best of spas can have bacteria in their water basins in this season. Also, long term water exposure causes soggy feet making them more susceptible to infections. Wash your feet regularly at home, maybe use an antiseptic soap once in a while, and dry with a clean towel.

So, few simple precautions and care can have your dancing to the tune of the raindrops happily. And with increasing germs and infections, this advice holds true not just for diabetic but everyone else too!

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